Friday, July 3, 2009

Friday Love List

Since it's Friday I figured I would share with all of you a list of things I am currently lovin' on. These appear in no particular order.

1. Those Darlins. I can't get enough of their catchy tunes. They just release a full length album, get it here

2. Boots. I feel like I can't get enough of boots, even though it's summer. Boots with a jean skirt is where it's at for me right now. In particular, my new Frye boots.

3. My Milk Toof: Check this blog out. You will fall in love with the adventures of ickle and Lardee.

Naked Grape Wine Spritzers - pour these babies over ice, such a nice summer treat!

5. The fact that my baby girl is being a serious mamma's girl these days. It feels great to be so in demand.

Happy Friday everyone!

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About Me

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I love photography, dolls and mini things too. My deviated septum, not so much.
