Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Holiday, celebrate!!

Christmas was great this year. We had a fabulous time on our first Christmas in our new home. This year, we decided not to make the trip to Burlington and Toronto and instead stayed home to relax. It was so great to not have to travel. We of course missed our families and would have loved to see all the little ones (big ones too) but honestly, it was so relaxing that I definitely would not have changed a thing.

Little Miss was spoiled as usual and had a wonderful time playing with all of her gifts. She was more excited this year than last year but we expected that because really how excited can you be at 1 1/2 months old? So, it was cool to watch her try everything out and dance around to the Phil Spector Christmas album. We ate lots and watched so many movies. Took naps and walks in the neighbourhood. It was really special and I'm glad I had lots of holiday time off to enjoy it.

Here’s some photos so you can experience the joy as well.

About Me

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I love photography, dolls and mini things too. My deviated septum, not so much.
